Service Learning Programme

Service Learning Programme is a compulsory component for grades 6 to 10. It is aimed at encouraging student’s learning and development through active participation in thoughtfully organised service activities and to provide structured time to reflect on the service experience.

Students will be taken to service organisations on ear-marked Saturdays, accompanied by grade 11 or grade12 CAS volunteers. SLP will promote character building in students and make the transition to IB programme a smooth process, where the students would be required to take part in service activities.After each visit, students will record their reflections by completing a form designed by the school.

Higher Education Guidance System

The school not only aims at preparing students academically but also in guiding them towards a rewarding and satisfying career. It is imperative for students to identify their aptitudes, interests, career goals and aspirations in order to make well-informed decisions concerning higher education.

Our comprehensive college and career planning solutions aim to optimize students success in higher education.

The school facilitates interactive sessions for students with college representatives of various universities from UK, Singapore and other countries.

  • Career options
  • Finalizing on course and country where the student wants to and can study
  • International colleges study options (USA, UK, Canada, Singapore and other popular destinations)
  • Guidance on preparation of the tests
  • Timelines and deadlines
  • Finalization of Colleges to apply to and creation of backup options
  • Choice of final option for Admission
  • Scholarships and other opportunities